Mother’s Day.

This was the first mother's day in years that I haven't wanted to stay in bed and just cry. I mean, believe me, I still cried today. But for different reasons. I sat in church and reflected on my life. I reflected back to past mother's day's and how I was so angry and frustrated with … Continue reading Mother’s Day.

Family Ward.

Well everyone, just as we were about to give up... We experienced a miracle. We have a little baby on the way and we're feeling completely overwhelmed and happy. Being in an established family ward has been a totally new experience for me. I always thought that I was good with youth age kids. But … Continue reading Family Ward.

Why We Decided to Stop Fertility Treatments.

This has been the most liberating time I’ve experienced in the last while. When a couple is trying to get pregnant, but find that it will be more difficult than they originally planned, their whole world is turned upside down. I’ve felt like I’ve been on a never ending roller coaster. With each month, with each … Continue reading Why We Decided to Stop Fertility Treatments.


Hello, everyone. Am I at work blogging instead of working? Yes. Yes, I am. I just had to share with you our vacation to Stanley, Idaho. If I wasn't so freaked out about bugs, the woods, drowning, or going to the bathroom in the wild... it may have been a lot more enjoyable. But, overall, I would say it was … Continue reading Vacation.

Stress- And Other Things.

Hi, friends. It's been a while. Life has been stressful lately. Everyone knows that I'm a planner. I think it runs in my blood. So when things don't go according to plan, I stress. Big time. A lot of you know that we had been looking into buying a house earlier in the year. WELL... We'd … Continue reading Stress- And Other Things.

Change the World.

When I tutor students in public speaking, I always talk to them about how their speech can change someone's world. In those few minutes that they're standing on stage, they can accomplish so much good. The most common response I get in return is: "I don't have anything influential to share." OF COURSE YOU DO. … Continue reading Change the World.

Here’s to the Guys.

Okay, you guys. There's been something that's been really bugging me lately. A lot of guys have really low self-esteem.... And we don't do anything about it!! Where are all the motivational speakers for the BOYS? I mean, girls (in the church) have Al Fox, Time Out For Women (and Girls), Girls Camp- just to … Continue reading Here’s to the Guys.